!!!###!!!title=191-How to customize the position of gauge indicator in VChart——VisActor/VChart FAQ documents!!!###!!!

How to customize the position of gauge indicator in VChart?

Question Description

I hope the title is displayed under the pointer of the gauge chart. Also, there are two lines of title with different styles . How to configure this?


You can configure indicator. It is displayed in the middle of the chart by default, and you can configure an offset in the y direction(dy). The indicator also supports multi-line text and separately sets styles.

indicator: [
    visible: true,
    title: {
      style: {
        text: 'Normal',
        dy: 100,
        fontSize: 40,
        fontWeight: 800
    content: [
        visible: true,
        style: {
          fontSize: 20,
          dy: 100,
          fontWeight: 800,
          text: 'Quality'

Code Example
